Friday, May 8, 2020

Speak Effectively

Communication Skills - Speak Effectively

1. Know What You Want to Say
üThink before you talk.
ü  Know your message.
ü  Get to the point quickly.
ü  Know the outcome of your conversation.
ü  Practice the power of persuasion.
ü  Plan your speech / conversation in advance.
ü  Know your audience
2. Control Fear
ü  Focus on the listener, message and success.
ü  Visualize a positive outcome.
ü  Take a deep breath and relax.
ü  Control you negative self-talk.
ü  Speak from the heart rather than the ego.
3.  Stop Talking and Listen
ü  Allow your conversation partner to speak.
ü  Respect other person’s point of view.
ü  Concentrate on the conversation.
ü  Help individual (s) resolve their own problems with patient listening. Individuals have the ability to solve their own problems.
4. Think before you talk
ü  Pause, think and consider what you want to say.
ü  Choose appropriate words that clearly express your message.
ü  Decide on the tone you want in you conversation.
ü  Determine the outcome you want from your interaction.
ü  Know your audience, their level of understanding and details regarding the subject matter.
ü  Shape your message to be easily understood.
5. Believe in your Message
ü  Believe in your message because this is the crux of any successful communication. When you passionately believe in your message, your verbal and nonverbal communications will flow freely.
ü  Speak with passion and conviction.
ü  Allow your feeling, delivery, body language and voice to flow naturally.
ü  Show your enthusiasm.
ü  Avoid faking it or you risk losing your credibility.
6. Repeat Major Points
ü  Repetition reinforces the speaker’s main points and aids in listener’s retention.
ü  Now your major points.
ü  Paraphrase as needed in different ways through out your conversation to reemphasize.
ü  Tactfully ask your listener for feedback.
ü  Ask questions that will indicate the listener understands your main points.
7. Find out what your listener wants
ü  Ask questions, lot of questions.
ü  Use open-ended questions.
ü  Rephrase questions or responses for the listener to ensure  shared understanding.
ü  Offer alternatives / suggestions for the listener to evaluate.
ü  Define terminology so there is less chance of misunderstanding.

Communication Skills get enhanced by being empathetic and paying value to others. The art of speaking empowers leadership ability and strengthens emotional intelligence. 

Dr. D. Ashalatha

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Personality Development Series - 88